Extra fee support

・ビザの延長のサポートSupport for visa extension(Price depends on nationality and status)
・新居の手配のサポートSupport for finding a new apartment.
・Don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Extra fee event

半日着物レンタルおよび着付け体験:Kimono rental and dressing experience(5000円~):本格的な振り袖もあります
百年前の漆器と昼食、手入れの仕方体験:Lunch with 100-year-old lacquerware and experience how to care for it(2000円~)
ひな祭りとお茶を点てる体験:Hinamatsuri and tea ceremony. Experience making tea(2000円~)
おせち料理と正月のホームビジット:Osechi cuisine and New Year's home visit(1000円~)
Prices vary depending on the number of people, so we are always available for your inquiries.


Email Adress:satomilweis@gmail.com
電話:072−○○○ー○○○○ ご質問やご感想、ご希望などありましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。
